Thursday, January 6, 2011

"In other news"

Jan 7th 2011

SO I've been listening to a lot of cricket in the last couple of weeks...

One more habit I can dispense with now. No more cricket :-(

However that does free up time for other things - doing my tax return for 09/10 for example, there's always a cheeky load of washing to be done, I could clean up the desktop, vacuum the floor, feed the cat ...
Instead I'm blogging and with a serious point. The photo above demonstrates just a small corner of the sweeping changes enacted by my wife (Cristina) upon the kitchen that serves so well our generously proportioned family (except for Izel - whom the kitchen does serve, but who is not generously proportioned).

One or two things still to be done, but by jingo I think we can lick it. If not we'll just eat outside more often.


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